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  • Learn with the Lords

    Published 05/05/23

    Key Stage 2 pupils had a fantastic opportunity to meet, through a video link, a member of the House of Lords – Lord Mann. They discussed with Lord Mann, the role of the UK Parliament, the role and membership of the House of Lords and the difference between the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The pupils were able to enhance their understanding by asking relevant questions. They were extremely excited about this amazing opportunity and thoroughly enjoyed this experience.

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  • A Night At The Musicals - Thursday 27th April

    Published 18/04/23

    Join us at Rosedale College on Thursday 27th April at 7:00pm for A Night At The Musicals Dance Show! Our students have been working hard and put together a wonderful show for you all to see. Tickets are £4, and they will be available to purchase at the door on the night.

    Refreshments will be served from 6:30pm. 

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  • Public Health - Cases of Measles in Hillingdon

    Published 28/03/23

    The local Public Health team has informed us that there has been a recent increase in the number of cases of Measles in Hillingdon. The cases all children aged 1 to 16, and all are unvaccinated.

    The current MMR vaccination uptake in Hillingdon is less than 75%, which means that 1 in every 4 children in the borough has not had the two doses of MMR vaccination that provides safe, effective protection against measles. There is variation in uptake across areas of the borough, which means that is some areas a greater number of children have not been vaccinated. This increases the risk of measles transmission in schools.

    Measles is a highly infectious respiratory virus that transmits through respiratory droplets from an infected person when they cough and sneeze which is then inhaled by another person. If that person is not fully vaccinated the risk of getting measles is high.

    The signs and symptoms of measles to be aware of are:

    • Cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing, and a cough
    • Sore red eyes that may be sensitive to light
    • A high temperature (fever), which may reach around 40°C
    • Small greyish-white spots on the inside of the cheeks
    • A few days later, a red-brown blotchy rash will appear, usually starting on the head or upper neck, before spreading outwards to the rest of the body.

    It is important that if a child is suspected of having measles, they do not attend school. They must telephone their GP or NHS 111. Measles is a notifiable disease which means all cases must be followed up, and contacts identified and given advice on what action they need to take.

    For more information contact your GP or an visit the NHS information website:

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  • Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme - Easter Offer

    Published 28/03/23

    Bookings for Hillingdon’s Easter Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) programme have now opened! Through their programme of free healthy food and fun activities, children and young people can develop new skills, take part in creative and physical activities, learn about food and cooking, and enjoy a nutritious meal each day. 

    The holiday programme is open to school-aged children from reception to Year 11 (inclusive) who receive benefits-related free school meals. They are also able to provide a limited number of discretionary places to vulnerable children that do not meet the Free School Meal criteria, if you would like for a child you are supporting to be considered for a HAF place, please email with the child's name, date of birth, address and parent contact details. 

    Activities this Easter include: 

    • Learn to ride a bike or develop your cycling skills
    • Football, Cricket, Basketball and multi-sports
    • Parent and child cookery sessions 
    • Dance, drama and arts programmes 
    • Multi-activity camps 
    • Remote Control car racing
    • Coding activities 
    • SEND activity camps
    • Specialist music and drama programmes for asylum/refugee children

    Find out more on their website - Easter HAF programme - Hillingdon Council where you can find out more about HAF, check out the Easter programme offer and find booking information.  


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  • National Career Week

    Published 17/03/23

    In celebrating National Careers Week 6th -12th March, the amazing pupils at Brookside Primary were given the opportunity to explore both theoretically and practically, the career paths they aspire to work in the future. Under the theme, ‘Careers Aspiration: My Hopes and Dreams’, pupils listened to engaging guest presenters and went on exciting excursions that stimulated their interests whilst exposing them to jobs in their chosen fields. The week was planned with the aims of allowing pupils to begin to think about making decisions about life, motivating them to work towards achieving their goals and improving their general well- being. All of these objectives were met and the young career professionals had a blast!

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  • St. David’s Day

    Published 10/03/23

    Our children found it interesting to learn all about St. David- the patron saint of Wales- and all the national emblems used to celebrate this day by the Welsh people around the world. They had fun taking part in different activities to commemorate this Welsh national holiday such as making daffodil wreaths, daffodil acrostic poems, daffodil paintings, rhymes about St. David, recipes for Welsh cakes, poems and 3D leeks.

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  • World Book Day Event

    Published 03/03/23

    What a fantastic day! Author Patrice Lawrence entertained pupils with her own stories and an interactive presentation on ‘How to create a monster’. The pupils were inspired by her animation and creativity. She answered each and every question, signed autographs and gave tips to our budding authors. We have had so much positive feedback from children and know for a fact that these will be life-long memories. Patrice’s visit was a huge success and definitely promoted both reading for pleasure and inspired writing. We cannot wait to organise a return visit!

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  • World Book Day!

    Published 02/03/23

    To help make World Book Day special – and to encourage reading for the rest of the year too – please download the free World Book Day Family pack which includes tips and tools to help your child develop a reading for pleasure habit, and find the joy in reading!

    You can download more fun World Book Day resources here: 

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  • Mental Health Week

    Published 27/02/23

    At Brookside primary, during mental health week 6th10th March, the children enjoyed a series of activities which included: 20-minute extra play, various arts and crafts activities, physical activities which all allow them to connect with each other. To culminate the week’s events, the children wore a scarf to school in Recognition of children’s mental health. Additionally, they were entertained by a mini concert where the teachers performed for them. The children enjoyed the week and went for their half term break in good spirit.

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  • 2023 The Year for a Healthy Fit Lifestyle

    Published 13/02/23

    Class Madrid acted out the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ in their assembly. The children learnt about fruits of the world which related to their current topic ‘Let’s keep fit and healthy’. The children also sang the fruits and vegetables song, ‘Cauliflowers fluffy’ and presented a slide-show to their parents of what they have learnt this academic year.

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  • Stay and Read Parent Workshop

    Published 03/02/23

    We were very impressed by the second staging of our ‘Stay and Read’ workshop. Parents, guardians and
    carers read with their child and were given tips on how to encourage reading at home. Parents were also given information on how to help their child improve on their reading comprehension. We look forward to more collaboration.

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  • Young Voices Choir at the O2 Arena

    Published 27/01/23

    What a spectacular performance of song and dance from the primary school choirs at the O2 Arena on Tuesday 17th January. The children were among over 6,000 pupils from the other school across the United Kingdom, taking part in the world’s largest school choir concert as they celebrated 26 years of singing together. The groundwork begun in the Autumn Term leading up to January where they specially selected songs provided a full and varied introduction to all kinds of music for the children. This fantastic evening, which showcased the beautiful harmonious voices of our very talented children, provided to be a truly memorable experience for them. Brilliant work to all who took part!

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